config.yml in English.
# Do not modify this.
version: 3
# enabled the plugin
enabled: true
# The probability of animals being generated with body size attached
# Set to 0 or a negative number to disable. The maximum is 100
apply: 50.0
# Body size change value
# The 'degree' can be filled with a range or multiple numbers
degree: 0.86-1.16
# Secondary mutation on the basis
# Particle effects produced when triggering mutation
# Leave blank to disable
type: GLOW
# Particle Quantity
count: 20
# The probability of mutation
# Set to 0 or a negative number to disable. The maximum is 100
apply: 3.0
# MULTIPLY: Simple multiplication
# MORE: Adaptive. Bigger gets even bigger, smaller gets even smaller
mode: MORE
# Change value
# The 'degree' can be filled with a range or multiple numbers
degree: 0.77, 1.3
# Animals Unaffected
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
animal: []
# The Worlds Unaffected
world: []
# The Uninfluenced Spawning Reasons
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html
# Whether animals' babies inherit the body size when giving birth
# The influence of parents on the body size of children
# Complex formulas can be used. Disable when left blank
# Available variables: {father}, {mother} for the body size of parents, {degree} corresponding to the proportion below
final-scale: ({father} * 1.1 + {mother} * 1.2) / {degree}
# Used in conjunction with the previous 'final-scale'
degree: 2.1-2.5
# Enabling this option will make the babies not be affected by the secondary body size change of animal-spawn
skip-animal-spawn: false
# The prompt when breeding a baby
# Only supports MiniMessage color format. Disable when left blank
# Available variables: {scale} baby scale, {baby} baby name, {player} player name
actionbar: <white>新生命诞生啦! 是体型为<green> {scale} </green>的{baby}宝宝~</white>
# Multiple Birth
# The probability of multiple births
# Prohibited when set to 0 or a negative number. The maximum is 100
# Note that it should not be too high. The determination of multiple births is triggered every time breeding occurs. If it is too high, it will keep giving birth to children and cause the server to lag
apply: 9.0
# The interval between each childbirth
# The unit is ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second
delay: 3
# When enabling multiple births, in order to limit breeding, the following amount of health will be deducted each time breeding occurs
# Complex formulas can be used. Disable when left blank
# Available variables: {health} current health, {max_health} maximum health
hurt: '{health} * 0.05'
# Blacklist
# Granting players the varizoo.skip.breed permission can separately turn off the inheritance function to prevent some biological pastures from being destroyed
# Animals Unaffected
# The Worlds Unaffected
world: []
# The influence of scale on maximum health. Health points will change proportionally
effect-health: true
# Whether the scale is retained when the animal transforms.
# For example, when a pig is struck by lightning and turns into a Piglin, the scale will still be inherited
transform: true
# Axolotls and fish will lose their original body size when released after being put into buckets
# This function can retain the body size and will correct fish buckets and dispensers
bucket-fish-fix: true
# Multiply the number of dropped items of animals by the following value
# Complex formulas can be used. Disable when left blank
# Available variables: {scale} Creature body size
increase-drops: sqrt({scale})
Last updated